A popular The Walking Dead spinoff show has become a global hit since dropping on Netflix. The hit AMC post-apocalyptic drama series The Walking Dead debuted on October 31, 2010, and became a global sensation, spanning 11 seasons and 177 episodes. The show follows the character of Rick Grimes, a deputy sheriff who awakens from a coma during a zombie apocalypse, and leads a group of survivors, as they try to stay alive in a hostile world. The Walking Dead cast is epic and sprawling, with Rick and Michonne among the most popular characters.
Since Michonne’s introduction in The Walking Dead season 2 finale, she shares a strong bond with Rick, and her cold and guarded nature begins to lessen as the two grow closer, eventually marrying. They remained a fixture of the show until Rick’s apparent death in the midseason finale of The Walking Dead season 9, after which Michonne went to look for him upon learning he was still alive. Both characters made appearances in spinoff shows, including Fear the Walking Dead. However, the fan-favorite couple returned in another spinoff, which has enjoyed considerable acclaim.
The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live Is Enjoying Streaming Success
The Show Continues Rick & Michonne’s Story
Debuting on AMC on February 25, 2024, The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live miniseries reunited Rick and Michonne, as they try to find their way back to one another in a dangerous world. After being taken by the CRM five years prior, Rick has a slew of failed escape attempts under his belt before Michonne rescues him, and the pair try to get home to their children. The show, which also co-stars Pollyanna McIntosh and Terry O’Quinn, ran six episodes, to largely positive reviews, and has enjoyed early success on its streaming debut.
Per Netflix Tudum, The Ones Who Live is ranked at #8 on the list of Global Top 10 Shows for the week of January 13 to January 19, clocking up 2.3 million views, and a total of 11.7 million viewing hours. The show came in just below Raw: 2025 at #4, Missing You at #3, XO, Kitty season 2 at #2, and American Primeval at #1. The show also ranks at #5 on the list of Top 10 Shows in the United States in its first week on the charts.
Our Verdict On Why The Ones Who Live Is Performing Well
The Familiar Characters & Conclusion to The Story Will Have Contributed
Image via AMC
The Ones Who Live is performing admirably during its debut week in the charts, showing that The Walking Dead still provides compelling television. The popularity of the Walking Dead characters, coupled with the series bookending their story, makes the show a hugely attractive prospect for viewers. There are still other Walking Dead spinoffs that are keeping the juggernaut franchise marching on, including Dead City and Daryl Dixon, but The Ones Who Live can be enjoyed without having to be caught up with the entire series.