Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the greatest video games ever made, which is why it’s a shame to see Rockstar constantly overlook it.
While Red Dead Online is typically treated to new(ish) content, Rockstar Games never really releases anything substantial for the single-player Red Dead Redemption 2.
Now, in a sign that Rockstar is moving even further away from its beloved Western, a new update has quietly removed a key feature from Red Dead Online.
Earlier this week, Rockstar Games confirmed user-generated content will no longer feature on the Red Dead Online Social Feed.
This basically covers any and all player related content, so say goodbye to seeing what your friends or crew have been up to. Maybe not the end of the world if you don’t play the Online component, but a substantial blow for those trying to keep the multiplayer game alive.
“Crazy to just drop a game like this, we never got a true ending to the online story and there was still plenty of content that they could of used, I would of understood if the game didn’t sell well but Red Dead 2 sold like crazy,” one fan took to Twitter to write.
“This is sad,” another agreed, while a third wrote: “Years of cowboy career wasted.”
Another reasoned: “This probably just means they’re taking those assets for GTA 6 Online instead of wasting them for RDO. But this alone shows that they’re not going back to RDO even after the release of GTA6. A formal announcement would be appreciated.”