10 Incredible Mods To Elevate Your Baldur’s Gate 3 Experience In 2025—You’ll Wish You Found Them Sooner

Baldur's Gate 3 Shadowheart with bunny and stuffed animals playing blackjack in mod

The nearly infinite number of mods for Baldur’s Gate 3 make the game constantly replayable, especially with some of the best mods of 2025. From expansive gameplay changes, unique customization options, and silly additions to your adventure, there’s never been a better time to mod your game. With Patch 8 right around the corner, you may want to experience some mods ahead of time.

Some mods are fairly small, altering slight bits of gameplay or adding only a few pieces of content on top of the existing mechanics. I’ve found that the most interesting mods have a much larger scale, usually giving me far more options in a new playthrough. For example, one mod adds tons of extra spells in Baldur’s Gate 3, allowing a spellcaster character to have more ways to harness magic.

Fast XP

Gain Levels Twice As Fast

Baldur's Gate 3 Fast XP mod keyart image

Those who have played multiple campaigns through Baldur’s Gate 3 can know that going through the early game can be a bit of a slog on your third or fourth campaign. The Fast XP mod by Malcroix on NexusMods alleviates the tedious grind of leveling in a new campaign by doubling the amount of experience gained for every Level in the game.

This mod has existed since 2020 during Baldur’s Gate 3‘s Early Access period, but it still remains compatible with other mods to raise the game’s Level cap.

This mod accomplishes this by reducing the Level XP requirements by half, effectively doubling the amount of experience you earn. With this mod, you can skip to Level 6 much easier through Act 1 of Baldur’s Gate 3, allowing you to create stronger builds faster. This can be especially useful for multiclass builds, which need multiple Levels in different archetypes to start working properly.

WASD Character Movement

Improve How Your Party Members Move Around

Baldur's Gate 3 WASD Character Movement mod keyart image

An extremely underrated mod in Baldur’s Gate 3 is WASD Character Movement, a mod created to make it easier to control party members. This mod, created by NexusMod uploader Ch4nKyy, ties the movement of a character to the W, A, S, and D keys on PC​​​​​​. This alone gives you more precise control over a character’s movements, making it easier to sneak around areas or get a third-person view of your surroundings.

This mod gives you ways to toggle between a character’s movement and the camera’s movement, which happens automatically when combat starts or stops. You can block movements with a left click entirely, preventing you from accidentally interacting with an aspect of the environment you want to avoid. For greater control over a character’s actions, this is a go-to mod for PC players.

Tav’s Hair Salon

Expand Your Stylistic Choices

Baldur's Gate 3 Tav's Hair Salon mod keyart image Baldur's Gate 3 new hairstyle from Tav's Hair Salon mod Baldur's Gate 3 Githyanki character with hairstyle from Tav's Hair Salon mod Baldur's Gate 3 new hairstyle for human character from Tav's Hair Salon mod Baldur's Gate 3 Tav's Hair Salon mod keyart image Baldur's Gate 3 new hairstyle from Tav's Hair Salon mod Baldur's Gate 3 Githyanki character with hairstyle from Tav's Hair Salon mod Baldur's Gate 3 new hairstyle for human character from Tav's Hair Salon mod

Tav’s Hair Salon is still one of the most popular BG3 mods and will continue to be among the best customization changes to get in 2025. This mod expands the number of hairstyle options for your Tav custom character, giving you hundreds of ways to express different looks. While mostly for Elf, Half-Elf, Drow, Human, and Tiefling body types, there are some options for other characters, such as Githyanki.

Among character creation mods in Baldur’s Gate 3, Tav’s Hair Salon is one of the few that works with multiple cosmetic mods. The simple additions from this mod will let you easily use it alongside other customization options you download.

Made by NexusMods creator Toarie, this mod has seen consistent updates that will likely continue through Patch 8. Cosmetic mods like this one may increase the amount of time it takes to create a character, but it’ll allow you to fine-tune an aesthetic for your next Tav that truly resembles the design you had in your head.

Unlock Level Curve

Go Beyond The Level Cap

Baldur's Gate 3 Wyll reaching Level 20 through Unlock Level Curve mod

The Level 12 cap for most campaigns can be altered using the Unlock Level Curve mod from user nitram166 on NexusMods. This mod increases the Level cap from 12 to 20, reflecting the true level cap of player characters in the 5th edition of Dungeons & Dragons. This unlocks the true power of some classes in the game, making them much stronger for your next campaign.

This mod adds a variety of content based on what class you’re playing, including:

Increased Health maximums at Levels 13-20
Spell Slots 7-9 to upcast existing spells with higher slots
Additional resources at higher levels (ex. Ki Points, Sorcery Points, etc.)

Using this mod will allow you to cast incredibly powerful magic, but you can only use the spells that already exist in the game.

Breaking barriers and reaching the demigod high levels of a D&D game will offer a truly fascinating power fantasy for those looking further beyond Baldur’s Gate 3‘s limitations. While upcasting a 9th-level Fireball may make combat encounters much easier, using the interesting and unique high-level features of specific classes can lead to new builds stronger than any you’ve made before.

Carry Weight Increased

Never Worry About Inventory Restrictions Again

Baldur's Gate 3 character with 840 carry weight limit from Carry Weight Increased mod

As you’re playing a character with low Strength, you’ll notice quickly that holding too much gear will encumber you fast. This restriction exists throughout every base game playthrough of Baldur’s Gate 3, and while it may seem novel at first, it can be slightly annoying on multiple playthroughs. Thankfully, the Carry Weight Increased mod from NexusMod uploader Mharius opens up space to use your inventory freely.

This mod is perfect for those who love hoarding loot, as it allows you to adjust the carry weight limit of any character. While you could adjust your inventory limitation with a minor 1.5x increase, ambitious players can go up to an astounding 9,000x increase. This would make it easy for any character to carry heavy objects without penalties or gather whatever they want as they acquire more items from their journey.

Basket Full Of Equipment

Conjure New Gear And Adjust It Freely

Baldur's Gate 3 Ketheric Thorm's armor on Tav character from Basket Full of Equipment mod Baldur's Gate 3 Tav character and party wearing new equipment from Basket Full of Equipment mod Baldur's Gate 3 character wearing new armor from Basket Full of Equipment mod Baldur's Gate 3 player character wearing Oathbreaker Paladin armor set from Basket Full of Equipment mod Baldur's Gate 3 Dark Warhammer and other new gear from Basket Full of Equipment mod

The Basket Full Of Equipment mod is a massive addition to Baldur’s Gate 3 that’s existed since the Early Access of the game in 2020. This mod adds over 2,000 pieces of new equipment, from armor, weapons, dyes, and even a few custom spells. Mod uploader AnteMaxx on NexusMods has updated this mod a few times, adding even more items to include in your next game.

Larger mods like Basket Full of Equipment can be taxing on your system, so be careful when installing them. You can always download a mod manager in Baldur’s Gate 3 alongside other mods to help organize and optimize the ones you use.

Every type of armor has a least a dozen or more additions, with slots containing a variety of new looks for your party members. While limited based on race, gender, and body type, the sheer volume of gear you can get from this mod is ridiculous. Some highlights include the Paladin Oathbreaker armor set, Githyanki armor seen on the likes of Lae’Zel, Mizora’s dress, and weapons like the new Dark Warhammer.

The stats for each piece of armor and every weapon are completely customizable as well through this mod. You can change the stats of any additional gear through this mod by adjusting simple values in the files you download. If this is too difficult to implement, the new gear from this mod scales with your character automatically, allowing you to keep your favorite looks without any cost to stats.

Party Limit Begone

Expand Your Group To Include Everyone

Baldur's Gate 3 larger party with Party Limit Begone mod active

Party Limit Begone remains a very popular mod for Baldur’s Gate 3, as it removes the four-person party size limit normally within the game. This allows you to take as many companions into the world as you want without leaving anyone at camp.

The party size increase with this mod also applies to online multiplayer, allowing your friends to control companion characters. While each person can only have one custom character, the multiple companions allow for larger input from everyone. It is unknown whether this mod will work with Crossplay when that feature releases with Patch 8.

This mod was created by NexusMod user SildurFX, who has detailed instructions on the mod page about how to set this mod up for new campaigns.

This mod increases the party size limit to 16, giving you endless options to customize a group for an impending battle. You can recruit all of your allies for a single fight and control them with precision, both in and out of action. Since you already can customize the class and features of any character in your party, increasing the size limit opens up a ton of new possibilities for group synergy.

5e Spells

Gain More Magic For Endless Possibilities

Baldur's Gate 3 more spells added through the 5e Spells mod

Another very popular mod that is still a great option for 2025 is 5e Spells, a mod that adds more magic to your game. As its name suggests, this mod adds almost every 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons spell into your world, giving spellcasting characters endless options for their magic. This mod adds everything from new cantrips in Baldur’s Gate 3 up to 9th-level spells to maximize the potential of all arcana.

NexusMod uploader Celes adds pretty much everything from D&D source material to this mod, giving players a wide variety of spells. Some highlights include:

Booming Blade (Cantrip)
Lightning Lure (Cantrip)
Toll the Dead (Cantrip)
Absorb Elements (1st-Level)
Unseen Servant (1st-Level)
Shadow Blade (2nd-Level)
Summon Beast (2nd-Level)
Thunder Step (3rd-Level)
Vitriolic Sphere (4th-Level)
Synaptic Static (5th-Level)
True Seeing (6th-Level)

You need to have the Unlock Level Curve or similar mod installed to increase the level cap of Baldur’s Gate 3 to access 7th, 8th, or 9th-level spells added through the 5e Spells mod.

This mod greatly expands the potential for spellcasting builds, giving many archetypes new options as they gain additional magic. Spells added through this mod are restricted to classes, as you may expect from D&D 5e. However, despite this slight limitation, having more magic is always a fun way of expanding how you can approach every encounter in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Fantastical Multiverse

New Species To Become True Souls

Baldur's Gate 3 Yuan-Ti Pureblood race character from Fantastical Multiverse mod Baldur's Gate 3 player character Bugbear through Fantastical Multiverse mod Baldur's Gate 3 playing as a Kobold race through Fantastical Multiverse mod

One of my personal favorite mods I recommend you try in 2025 is Fantastical Multiverse, a mod uploaded by NexusMod user DungeonsAndSouls. This mod adds 31 playable racial origins on top of the existing ones to Baldur’s Gate 3, giving you more starting customization options. The races added include more monstrous or bestial origins from other D&D 5e source books, along with interesting visual changes.

Through this mod, you can play races like the Yuan-Ti, the snake-like experimentations of cults that worship dark gods. Alternatively, you could play as a Firbolg, a tall race who has a special connection with nature. Kobolds, Goblins, Dhampir, Changelings, and many more races with unique backgrounds are available through this mod, with each having dynamic features that contribute to fresh gameplay experiences as well.

The Grand Theater

Start A Brand-New Campaign Made By Modders

A Crowd Standing Outside the Grand Theater in Baldurs gate 3

The first complete one of its kind, The Grand Theater is a mod that adds a new custom story into the game​​​​​​. While this NexusMod addition was uploaded by user Moezillaaa, it is the work of several modders, taking over 600 hours to create. This mod gives you an entirely new story to follow, named “The Grand Theater – Sell Your Lute To The Devil.”

This new story follows the titular Grand Theater and your character as one of the performers there. The owners of this establishment have created it outside of Baldur’s Gate to attract many customers, but as you go through the story, you’ll find a darker purpose behind this place. Those familiar with the Red Wizards of Thay, or the Necromancy of Thay book in BG3, are sure to have a great time exploring this tale.

As one of the newest mods in 2025, there are multiple instructions you need to follow to set this mod up and access it. Make sure to follow instructions on the NexusMod page for The Grand Theater to make sure it works for you.

Over 2,000 lines of dialogue, new NPCs, new items, and multiple storylines to follow make this mod a must-try this year. If you are tired of the main campaign for Baldur’s Gate 3 in any way, The Grand Theater is the best mod you should download in 2025.

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