Cyberpunk 2077’s Second Conflict Decision Explained – Should You Side With Denny or Henry? The Answer Might Surprise You

Cyberpunk 2077's Second Conflict Should You Side With Denny Or Henry

As a story-driven RPG, Cyberpunk 2077 has no shortage of quests in which your character must make important choices, including the side job “Second Conflict.” In this mission, V has to decide whether to side with Denny or Henry, determining who plays in a Samurai reunion show. Although the quest doesn’t have any major repercussions on Cyberpunk‘s multiple endings, this can still feel like a difficult choice to make.

The name of this job, “Second Conflict,” is named after former Samurai member Kerry Eurodyne’s solo album, which he released after Samurai’s breakup.

Denny and Henry both have unique character traits, and their own reasons for why they deserve to be at the reunion. “Second Conflict,” though relatively unimportant in the grand scheme of things, is part of Johnny Silverhand’s quest line, and features characters that are closely tied to his rockerboy past. For that reason, it may be worth researching potential outcomes for this gig before making a final decision.

Cyberpunk 2077: “Second Conflict” Plays Out Differently Depending on Earlier Choices

“The Pickup” & “Second Conflict” Explained

Cyberpunk 2077 NPC Dum Dum holds an inhaler out, offering the player to take a hit.

The characters involved in “Second Conflict” depend on how V resolved the Cyberpunk main quest “The Pickup,” in which they help Jackie retrieve a Militech robot from members of the Maelstrom gang. If things ended peacefully, they’ll be greeted by Dum Dum, one of Royce’s underlings, when they arrive at Totentanz. If they killed both Dum Dum and Royce, another Maelstrom member, Patricia, appears.

Depending on whether they helped Brick, either he or Patricia will be the new leader of Maelstrom. This doesn’t have much impact on the quest; it’s just Cyberpunk demonstrating the consequences of the player’s actions. Those who anger Maelstrom may have a harder time completing future quests involving them, as the group will attack you on sight rather than accept any of your help.

Anyone who manages to keep Dum Dum and Royce alive can avoid future conflict with Maelstrom by sneaking out of their building, especially if Patricia has enemies hunting for you.

Saving Brick makes interacting with Maelstrom a lot easier since it means that the mission with ended well. However, with Patricia in charge, talks with Maelstrom will always guarantee combat, as the new leader will blame V for the failure to keep Brick alive. You will always have to fight your way out of the Maelstrom headquarters after meeting them for the quest if Patricia is the group’s leader.

Once you start “Second Conflict,” members of Maelstrom remaining from your choices will take you to Denny’s Mansion, where you’ll meet both Denny and Henry. Denny is a popular and famous star, but others call her stuck-up and a bit of a control freak. On the other hand, Henry is a wild drunk, but claims to really want the gig at the reunion almost as a form of redemption for a troubled past with the group.

What Happens If You Side With Denny In Cyberpunk 2077?

Pros & Cons Of Picking Denny In “Second Conflict”

Denny looking fondly at a golden, spiked bat in a screenshot from Cyberpunk 2077.

If the player chooses Denny, she’ll accept the offer, and the conflict will end there without much further input from either party. Denny will throw her Gold-Plated Baseball Bat into her pool, and V can pick it up at their leisure. This is an Iconic-tier melee weapon with bonuses to Armor Penetration, Bleeding Chance, and Stun Chance, so it’s a worthwhile reward for any Cyberpunk melee build.

If V decides to look around a little more, they’ll find a dejected Henry sitting on the curb outside Denny’s house. He won’t have much to say, but this will trigger a short but sweet scene, in which Johnny materializes and sits next to Henry. Neither of them speaks; they simply remain in comfortable silence together until V decides to walk away.

When V goes to the gig, they’ll find Denny on stage as promised, while Henry is nowhere to be seen. The gig will go smoothly either way, and the player will likely never encounter Denny or Henry again.

What Happens If You Side With Henry In Cyberpunk 2077?

Pros & Cons Of Picking Henry In “Second Conflict”

Johnny and Henry sit on a curb, looking forlorn in a screenshot from Cyberpunk 2077.

If V chooses Henry instead of Denny, the quest will proceed much the same way, except it’ll end with Henry on stage. Denny gets frustrated and throws her Gold-Plated Baseball Bat as before, so the player is still free to pick it up.

However, what’s abundantly clear is that Henry is much more interested in actually playing the gig than Denny. For her, it’s an easy way to make some extra cash, which, judging by her digs, she doesn’t really need. For the troubled Henry, it’s an opportunity to recapture some of his youth, to turn back the clock on some of his regrets.

Despite his bad temper and his misdeeds, he basically says as much and is counting on the gig to give him a second chance. However, at the end of the day, it all comes down to your personal choice between Henry and Denny, as there are no real changes or rewards from picking one over the other.

Cyberpunk 2077: Is It Better To Pick Denny Or Henry In “Second Conflict”?

You Should Side With Henry

Cyberpunk 2077's Second Conflict Should You Side With Denny Or Henry Silverhand Band Concert Cyberpunk 2077's Kerry Eurodyne wearing sunglasses and standing on a balcony during the evening. Cyberpunk 2077 Samurai reunion with Johnny Silverhand playing guitar. A replica of Johnny Silverhand's Samurai Jacket in Cyberpunk 2077. Keanu Reeves as Johnny Silverhand reclines in his chair in Cyberpunk 2077. Cyberpunk 2077's Second Conflict Should You Side With Denny Or Henry Silverhand Band Concert Cyberpunk 2077's Kerry Eurodyne wearing sunglasses and standing on a balcony during the evening. Cyberpunk 2077 Samurai reunion with Johnny Silverhand playing guitar. A replica of Johnny Silverhand's Samurai Jacket in Cyberpunk 2077. Keanu Reeves as Johnny Silverhand reclines in his chair in Cyberpunk 2077.

Ultimately, Henry is the better choice in Cyberpunk‘s “Second Conflict. After V arrives at Denny’s house, he finds her and Henry in a shouting match by the pool – which Henry has filled with cement. V listens to biased arguments from both of them: Henry is willing to play with Denny, but Denny worries that Henry’s erratic behavior will ruin the gig. However, Henry emphasizes that Kerry already promised him a spot on stage, while this conversation seems to be Denny’s first time hearing of it.

Overall, the gig generally seems to mean more to Henry than it does to Denny, especially considering Henry’s past. While V’s first introduction to Henry reinforces the idea of him being untrustworthy and unpredictable, this gig clearly connects with him on a deeper level.

If V asks, Johnny will offer his opinion on the conflict. While he’s fed up with their bickering, he notes that he’s unsurprised by Henry’s antics. His brain is fried from years of drug use. It’s not exactly an excuse, but it is an explanation. Johnny then mentions that Denny probably didn’t actually care about the pool, and is likely holding a grudge against Henry for a better reason – some unknown slight in their past.

Talking to Denny does reveal that she is sad that the relationship between her and Henry has soured so much, but it does not deter her from wanting to participate in the reunion gig.

As it turns out, Henry previously turned to Denny for help in his time of need, but she rejected him. Although she seems to regret this now, she obviously had her reasons when she first turned Henry down. Whatever the case, that’s the true reason for his retaliative pool-filling. It’s immature and expensive – again, not an excuse, but an explanation. He clearly regrets it, too, as his only care by this point is getting to play with Samurai again.

Other than that, this decision doesn’t affect much. Johnny doesn’t have a strong opinion either way, and V can still claim the reward (the Gold-Plated Baseball Bat) out of Denny’s pool at the end. Whichever Samurai member they chose appears at the gig, and plays their part without comment or incident.

Second Conflict” requires players to decide between two equally deserving sides with incomplete information. While it’s not one of the most impactful choices in Cyberpunk 2077, it can be a difficult one.

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