Once again, the pair have gotten themselves into quite the mess, only this time the mess may be more than what they can clean up. Hans Capon is sentenced to execution, and it’s up to his loyal friend and page Henry to keep him from swinging off the gallows. To do this, they need to find Captain Thomas from the beginning of the game to vouch for their status, but he is sick and locked away in a tower to which they, unfortunately, don’t have access. So it falls to the players to get access, and they only have a limited time (twelve bells to be exact) to do so. Thankfully, though their time may be limited, their means are not, as there are quite a number of ways to get to the tower in question, and one of them is quite possibly the easiest of all of them.
Find a Pair of Lockpicks
Some Honest Labor For Some Dishonest Work

After carrying some sacks at the beginning of the quest, players will have the option to find labor further down the castle grounds, or go and visit the blacksmith; do the latter. With the blacksmith, they will have two methods when it comes to gaining lockpicks. The first involves crafting and making a horseshoe for the stableman Kabat, which opens some dialogue and the means to purchase some lockpicks.
Carry the sacks at the beginning of the game
Go to the blacksmith and craft a horseshoe to deliver to Kabat
Through either Kabat or the red jar near the blacksmith’s forge, get some lockpicks
Talk to the cook Fanka to get access to the castle’s kitchen
Unfortunately, the player is broke, and getting the money will involve stealing some items to sell or selling whatever clothes they have left. The cheaper, better way would be to go and visit the cook Fanka, who will ask the player to open a chest for supplies.
This will take them back to the blacksmith, who will then point them to a red jar near the forge which conveniently has a lockpick and charcoal; both should be taken. The chest itself is inconsequential; what the player really wants is access to the kitchen where it’s located, which they will now be able to enter without trespassing.
Find the Chamberlain and Discern What Ails Him
A Diagnosis and Prescription

Once inside the kitchen, the player can choose to open the chest or not, though it may be best not to so that they don’t risk breaking the lockpick. What they need to be looking for — or rather who — is Chamberlain Ulrich, who is located within and is clearly in physical pain. Speaking to the Chamberlain will give them the option to try and discern what troubles him.
Doing so will involve some dialogue checks, but if successful, they will be able to diagnose that he suffers from stomach pains, and will need a potion. This will give the player access to two crucial locations within the castle: the Crone tower and the alchemy station within it. If for some reason the player fails the dialogue check with the Chamberlain, they will have to access the tower through subtler means; this will involve stealing some food from the kitchen.
Talk to Chamberlain Ulrich in the kitchen
Correctly diagnose the Chamberlain’s ailment, or steal some food
With or without permission from the Chamberlain, get to the top of the Crone Tower
Once the guard is gone, they will then need to head up the stairs to the alchemist’s workshop, which will have the alchemy station and a woman inside, one that they have already met and saved before. Before they can make the potion, they will need to get rid of the woman in question. Again, this will involve some dialogue checks, and once she is gone, the player will now have free access to the alchemy chamber and station.
Make the Potion(s) and Deliver to Their Recipient(s)
A Remedy to Relieve and a Remedy to Save

From here, the player will need to do some alchemy. Before starting though, they will want to do two things. First, open the locked chest inside the room (the locked chest with a very easy difficulty) and take all the herbs inside. Second, in that same room, grab the Physician’s Journal book on the shelf nearby and read it.
The instructions for both are conveniently within the Physician’s Journal, and they can be referenced back to during the crafting process. As for the ingredients, they should already have them between the locked chest and the charcoal taken earlier. The quality of the potions do not matter, as even the weaker versions will be more than good enough.
Take the Physicians’ Journal and open the chest in the alchemy room to get the recipe and materials for the potion(s)
Craft a Digestive Potion and Fever Tonic
Deliver the Digestive Potion to Chamberlain Ulrich and the Fever Tonic to Captain Thomas
With both the Digestive Potion and Fever Tonic made, head down from the Crone Tower and back to the Chamberlain. When speaking to him, give him the Digestive Potion, which is the correct potion for his diagnosis and will lead to a convenient reward after the quest. After giving the potion, the player should ask for the option to pray at the chapel within the Maiden tower, which the Chamberlain will now give them free access to.
After that, he and Henry will continue on their mission to meet with the Lord von Bergow to broker peace. And that is the end of the For Whom the Bell Tolls quest. This is one of the more varied quests within the game, with plenty of avenues to take for its completion. But this is by far one of the easiest, and conveniently less troublesome, methods to do so.