HBO Shouldn’t Have Discarded Him: Oscar Isaac Was Perfect For Game of Thrones’ Unluckiest Character George RR Martin Gave the Worst Death in the Books

The creators should have included this character’s narrative in Game of Thrones as he played a significant role in Daenerys Targaryen’s storyline.

oscar isaac, game of thrones’

Many characters in Game of Thrones failed to make it to the screen adaptation due to budget constraints, and it’s sad to know that many of them have fascinating stories and lives worth exploring. In fact, some of them have a close connection with the main characters in the HBO series.

dorne game of thronesHouse Martell in Game of Thrones / Credits: HBO

One of the most underappreciated houses in the show was House Martell. Clearly, the figures from this clan deserved more spotlight because they are not just a noble house, but they played a crucial role in keeping the independence of Dorne.

Game of Thrones wasted Quentyn Martell’s possibly epic TV storyline

One of the most popular characters from House Martell in Game of Thrones was Pedro Pascal’s Oberyn Martell. He became the most memorable because of his brutal fight with The Mountain, which ended with the former’s demise. It’s a shame because this noble house has a lot of great characters with far more interesting backstories.

One of those figures that never made it to the HBO series was Quentyn Martell. Fans who have read George RR Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire book series would immediately recognize him as the son of Doran Martell, Prince of Dorne, and Lady Mellario of Norvos. In the novel, he is Oberyn’s nephew.

In A Dance with Dragons, Quentyn possessed a parchment of a secret pact that declared Viserys Targaryen must marry Arianne Martell, Quentyn’s sister after Dorne lent him a hand in regaining the Iron Throne. Since the prince died in Vaes Dothrak, Quentyn offered himself to wed Daenerys in return for the support of Dorne. However, the Mother of Dragons revealed her upcoming marriage to Hizdahr zo Loraq.

emilia-clarke-drogon-game-of-thronesEmilia Clarke and Drogon in Game of Thrones / Credits: HBO

During a feast, Daenerys invited him to meet Rhaegal and Viserion, and Quentyn revealed to her that he had Targaryen blood. Before returning to Dorne, he promised himself that he would not go home empty-handed and thus attempted to tame at least one dragon, purely relying on his Targaryen ancestry.

This bold endeavor did not bode well for him. As he gained access to the dragons, he tried to tame Viserion, but Rhaegal attacked Quentyn from behind with dragonfire. He did not die immediately; he suffered for three days before eventually succumbing to death.

Oscar Isaac as Quentyn Martell would have been fire

Oscar Isaac Poe Dameron 2 Star WarsOscar Isaac in Star Wars: The Force Awakens / Credits: Lucasfilm

Oscar Isaac would have been perfect as Quentyn Martell had the show decided to bring this character to life. Known for his roles in Moon Knight and Star Wars, the actor has the same physical characteristics suitable for a Dorne prince.

The show did not strictly follow the ages of the characters in the books and was not even accurate regarding physical appearances. Even Emilia Clarke, who played Daenerys, was portrayed at a different age (in the book, she was 13, while in the show, she was around 17).

That being said, it was a huge missed opportunity not to include Quentyn in the show, and a massive regret that we didn’t get to see the Guatemalan-American star grace the hit fantasy series when it was still on air.

Game of Thrones is currently available to watch on Max.

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