Monster Hunter Wilds Exposed: Here’s the Full List of All Monsters and Where They Lurk – Which One’s Your Nemesis? Head to the Comments for the Full Buzz!

Monster Hunter Wilds still showing a player shooting a monster

As with any action RPG game, Monster Hunter Wilds contains a vast selection of monsters for players to battle against.

Before heading into the fight, picking the best weapons is key when it comes to dealing the most damage and ensuring survival.

With so many monsters roaming the lands, knowing which is which makes all the difference when identifying their weak points during the heat of battle.

Here, find the full list of known Monster Hunter Wilds monsters along with information on how each one inflicts damage.

Monster Hunter Wilds: Full monster list so far

Key art of Monster Hunter Wilds showing a couple of knights fighting a grey dragon monster.

Monster Hunter Wilds. Capcom
At launch, there are 29 different monsters to find in Monster Hunter Wilds.

There’s a high chance this number increases as more players load into the game.

As soon as more beasts are discovered or added by Capcom, we’ll update the page with everything there is to know.

Without further ado, here’s the full list of known monsters:

Xu Wu
Gore Magala
Uth Duna
Rey Dau
Nu Udra
Guardian Doshaguma
Guardian Rathalos
Guardian Embony Odoragon
Jin Dahaad
Zoh Shia
Guardian Fulgur Anjanath
Yian Kut-Ku

Monster Hunter Wilds: All monsters explained

Each monster in Monster Hunter Wilds is slightly different, with each one possessing unique methods of attacking and weaknesses.

Here’s a closer look at each one:


The Chatacabra is a massive toad that’s covered in a thick hide.

Its long tongue can catch newcomers off guard, but it’s also the beast’s weak point.

Focus any attacks there to inflict the most damage.

Lala Barina

Lala Barina is a brand-new monster for Monster Hunter Wilds.

This spider has a rose built into itself and uses it to dish out flower clouds to knock anyone getting too close for comfort.

Hit the flower back into its body to stop its attacks for a short period of time.


Monster Hunter Wilds still showing a Quematrice

Monster Hunter Wilds.
By creating oil from its huge tail, the Quematrice then ignites the oil through melee attacks for massive fire damage.

The size of the monster isn’t necessarily its biggest threat, but it can cause issues if your mobility isn’t the best.

Cut off the tail to reduce most of its attacking options.


A staple of Monster Hunter games, the Congalala is back to cause chaos in Wilds.

The giant ape is best known for emitting toxic gas in the direction of players.

It also summons smaller apes to assist in the battle.


The Doshaguma is one monster that first appeared within the Monster Hunter Wilds beta.

Despite its slow movements, it’s a heavy hitter and comes at players in packs led by the alpha monster.

To deal with the Doshaguma quickly, we recommend picking weapons that emphasise mobility.


Balahara in Monster Hunter Wilds

Monster Hunter Wilds.
Another new monster comes in the form of the Balahara.

The sandworm is one of the first beasts that appears in Monster Hunter Wilds and burrows deep into the ground before tunneling upward for a lethal attack.

Their mouth is the weak spot, and they don’t like sound disrupting their behaviour.


A hybrid of a crow, tar monster and mosquito is a formidable force in Monster Hunter Wilds.

The Romopolo uses sacs located on its body to emit poisonous and explosive gas clouds that are tricky to counter.

The most effective tactic involves damaging the sacs to prevent them from causing further harm.

Uth Duna

This particular predator uses water to gain an advantage on the battlefield.

Alongside using water to retreat to safety, it also sends waves to slow your movement.

Attacking its fins to extract the moisture from them will weaken its power at the cost of sending it into a rage.


Nerscylla in Monster Hunter Wilds

Monster Hunter Wilds.
Returning in Monster Hunter Wilds is the Nerscylla, a poison spider capable of causing all kinds of problems for those unprepared for battle.

We recommend staying away from the front of the beast to avoid getting poisoned.

Destroy the protective hides at the rear of the beast to deal with it as fast as possible.

Rey Dau

The lightning dragon is a brand-new beast added to the ever-expanding roster.

It fires bolts of electricity through its head using the blue crystals dotted over its body.

Destroy the crystals to reduce its firepower.


Another angry ape you’ll encounter in Monster Hunter Wilds is the Akarakan.

Focusing on fire damage, the beast sets itself on fire to inflict damage on anyone standing too close.

Use special ammo for a Bow to cool it down or try and stay out of the heat with some mobility.


The Hirabami is another monster that utilises its tail to inflict damage.

In order to defeat it, keep hurting it until it falls down to the ground.

Thanks to the height advantage it possesses, we recommend using ranged weaponry to defeat it quickly.

Guardian Rathalos

Monster Hunter Wilds dragon roaring

Monster Hunter Wilds.
The Guardian variant of the Rathalos is one of the trickiest monsters you’ll encounter in Monster Hunter Wilds.

Keep an eye on its fire and poison attacks as it’s very easy for the health bar to disappear in the blink of an eye.

Nu Udra

Referred to as the Black Flame, Nu Udra focuses on fire and quick movement to make an impact.

The movements are extremely hard to predict, making it a formidable foe to deal with.

Cut off its arms with a large weapon to reduce its ability to deal damage.

Guardian Doshaguma

Doshaguma is the first Guardian variant you encounter in Monster Hunter Wilds.

Its ability to summon crystals makes it difficult to defeat alongside its elemental energy, which detonates when it touches anything.

Guardian Ebony Odogaron

Another Guardian variant is the Odogaron, a fast-moving monster that’s difficult to keep up with.

A defensive focus is the most effective method to deal with this particular beast.

However, well-timed aggression can result in plenty of damage.

Jin Dahaad

Jin Dahaad in Monster Hunter Wilds

Monster Hunter Wilds.
This huge ice monster blocks most damage, thanks to its plates and ridges.

Breaking the plates quickly is a surefire way of leaving Jin Dahaad vulnerable to your own offensive power.

Don’t forget to keep avoiding its frost breath and its ability to climb the walls in a bid to gain a strong vantage point.

Guardian Arkveld

It wouldn’t be a Monster Hunter game without an appearance from the Arkveld.

Now with a Guardian variant, the monster features built-in chains that do huge ranged damage.

Any weapon can kill any monster in Wilds, so use whatever tactic you find the most effective to defeat the beast.

Xu Wu

Xu Wu is another eight-legged monster that uses its movement to its advantage.

The beast’s huge head is the perfect target to focus on if you plan on dealing huge damage quickly.

In addition, slicing its tentacles off will slow its mobility down significantly.

Yian Kut-Ku

Yian Kut-Ku also returns in Monster Hunter Wilds, and its habit of pecking anyone who stands too close remains its main attack.

Its frenzies are also capable of catching anyone with a low level of mobility off-guard.

Keep mobility high and your chances of defeating the beasts are high.

Zoh Shia

Monster Hunter Wilds demon roaring

Monster Hunter Wilds.
This monster is one of the strongest in all of Monster Hunter Wilds.

Powerful elemental attacks make this a very tricky beast to tame.

By cracking open the shell on its head, there’s a weak spot that must be focused on in order to deal with the beat as quickly as possible.


Referred to as the queen of the Monster Hunter games, the Rathian is back in Wilds.

The massive dragon shoots fire along with a poison stinger within its tail, making it a tricky beast to overcome.


The Cypceros is armed with a long tail capable of stunning anyone that gets in its way.

Clicking its beak is the sound cue that you must listen out for to avoid the flash.

On top of the flash, it also inflicts poison damage which reduces the health bar extremely quickly.


If the Rathian is the queen of Monster Hunter, the Rathian is the king.

Once the Guardian version is slain, the standard version will roam around the environment with the same fire and poison attacks its had in previous games.

Guardian Fulgur Anjanath

This new variant of the returning Fulgur Anjanath is packed full of firepower.

In addition to the crystals other Guardian monsters feature, its electrical power packs a lethal punch.



Monster Hunter Wilds.
The Blangonga is a baboon and possesses similar characteristics to the Congalala.

Using toxic clouds and smaller apes to deal maximum damage, this beast also has powerful ice attacks that can freeze your hunter to a set position.

This leaves you vulnerable to a follow-up attack, so focus on mobility to avoid the cold.


A stone dragon that struggles to move quickly, the Gravios is a massive beast that features dense armour and the ability to emit all kinds of gases.

The trick to defeating the monster is to crack the armour plating to access its vulnerable underbelly.

The head and chest are also viable targets to take it down effectively.


Once the Guardian Arkveld is taken care of, the standard version appears.

It features all of the same attacks as the Guardian version, but this time around, you can use traps to capture it.

Harvesting its materials also makes some of the strongest armour in the entire game.

Gore Magala

The final monster on the list is the Gore Magala, another powerful dragon that also has frenzy attacks.

Quick movements combined with breathing attacks and huge size make it a challenge for even the most experienced hunter.

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