This Overlooked Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Skill Is A Total Game-Changer—And Most Players Miss It

alchemy kingdom come deliverance 2

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, the breakout action RPG that has players’ attention right now, is a world filled with things to do and places to see. There is literally no shortage of activities to find, and whether by intention or by chance, something is bound to cross the player’s path when exploring. Some of these may be exciting, others boring, but do not doubt that all are worth doing, especially when it comes to alchemy.

Alchemy is one of the staple crafting activities in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. It allows the player to be able to make for themselves a variety of potions and poisons, all of which serve as a means to give them an edge in any encounter or scenario. Now this may be something that newcomers to the series may — unintentionally or not — overlook at first, and it’s understandable. Crafting, after all, is something of an acquired taste — one that some may find to be a tedious or dull affair to take part in and will habitually avoid. But when it comes to this game, that is the last thing that players should do.

Alchemy is Introduced at the Beginning of the Game

Learning the concept

The player standing in front of an alchemy station in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2Image via Warhorse Studios

Crafting is an essential feature within Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2It is not only a useful, but intrinsic tool when it comes to the player and braving the world of Bohemia; with alchemy, that’s no less the case. But that’s easier said than explained. So why exactly should players take the time to invest in alchemy?

Alchemy is first introduced to players at the beginning of the game
They can learn both the process and fundamentals of crafting potions
Players will have both the knowledge and a few recipes to start crafting

For starters, literally, alchemy is introduced at the beginning of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. When at death’s door, Henry wakes up in a hut in the middle of nowhere, and they are introduced to a kind old woman who not only saved their life but is also trying to save the life of their friend Hans. It’s here that the concept of alchemy is first introduced, and where players can learn it.

The basics of alchemy are taught to players first-hand. This includes the process of gathering herbs and learning what different traits they entail, along with the process of alchemy itself and how to create potions. They can even learn a recipe or two; said recipes include those of Chamomile Decoction and Saviour Schnapps, the latter of which will be very useful throughout their journey. By the time they can leave the hut, players will have both the knowledge and the means to engage in alchemy wherever they find a station for it.

The Process of Alchemy is Both Engaging and Insightful

Learning the process

The player grinding herbs for alchemy in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2Image via Warhorse Studios

Crafting, as said earlier, can be a dull affair in a lot of RPGs, and something that can easily be overlooked. But when it comes to Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, neither is the case. Crafting, especially alchemy, is a feature that players can find to be both an engaging and insightful activity to partake in.

To start, there’s the process as a whole. When it comes to actually brewing the potion, it involves a myriad of steps. From pouring a certain base and adding a few herbs, to more advanced ones like grinding said herbs and watching the timer to see how long the potion should be on a boil. All of these steps serve to bring an engaging experience to players, keeping them both attentive and interested throughout the entire activity.

Crafting is an appealing feature in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, especially alchemy
The process itself is engaging, and can even offer various insights and knowledge
Even with failed or low-quality potions, the game offers tips on how to do better

Not only is the process itself intriguing, but it is also heuristic. In the beginning, players were introduced to the basics of alchemy but maybe couldn’t completely grasp all of its concepts. That’s not an issue in future crafts, because even if the potion they make turns out wrong or lacking in quality, the game gives the players tips on how to do better in the future.

These tips come in the form of Henry himself, who comments on how the potion could’ve been better, whether it’s the amount of time the potion was on boil or the quality of the herbs used. Things like these not only help players to learn more about alchemy but also encourage them to actively engage in it.

Alchemy Possesses a Variety of Potions and Poisons That Can Be Useful

Learning the brews

A table of alchemical stats from Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2Image via Noelle Warner

In addition to learning the craft and the process, there are also the potions themselves. Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 has a great number of potions that can be gained by players, whether through buying, discovery, or crafting. These potions come with a variety of effects that can enhance Henry throughout his travels, the likes of which include accelerated healing, increased recovery of stamina, increased strength or charisma; they can even make a potion that helps with digestive problems from food poisoning.

There are a wide variety of potions in the game
Players are not only able to craft potions but poisons as well
Each potion and poison has various effects that can buff the player and harm their enemies

But these aren’t the only kinds of brews available in the game. Just as players can craft potions to enhance themselves, they can also create poisons to harm their enemies. These can include reducing their energy and perception, reducing their health, or even weakening their weapon skills. As opposed to potions, poisons are far less varied, but they can still be useful in the players’ hands.

Whether it’s potions or poisons, either can give players an edge throughout nearly any scenario in the game. From buffing their stats, harming their enemies, or even resetting their skills, these brews have a use for nearly anything, and they can all be obtained through alchemy.

Alchemy is Something that Can Be Improved and Refined With Practice

Refining it All


The player riding a horse through the countryside in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Digestive Potion Recipe from Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 List of herbs from Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Alchemy in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

There’s the saying that “practice makes perfect”. Nothing in life is perfect, but with alchemy in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, it can get pretty close. If players invest enough into alchemy, they will be able to gain levels within the skill. This can open up new perks that make crafting not only better but even easier. One of the best skills within the alchemy skill line allows players to increase the quality of their potions and positions to an entirely new tier of quality: the suitably named ‘Henry’ quality.

Alchemy, like any other skill in the game, can be refined
Investment into alchemy and its skills can lead to an easier crafting process and better quality potions and brews
Alchemy is an activity that should be invested in, especially in the early game

With more points put into the alchemy skills, along with investing in higher-quality herbs, finding more recipes, and refining the brewing process, alchemy can be both useful and worthwhile for players, especially at higher levels. But all of this can only come with practice and repetition. With practice comes improvement, after that refinement, and finally quality.

Alchemy in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is an activity that holds a surprising — even baffling — amount of depth that various players can dive into. It is an intrinsic, engaging, insightful, and all-together rewarding process that is significantly better than its predecessor before it. It holds great potential for both current and future playthroughs and, if invested into, especially early on in the game, alchemy will become one of the most useful tools that players have when making their way throughout Bohemia.

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