Numbers Prove Hate Against Intergalactic Is Way More Intense Than Anything Sony’s $400 Million Flop Concord Went Through

If numbers are any indicator that determines the success of a game, then Intergalactic’s future does not seem bright.

Intergalactic and Concord

If the gaming community learned anything from Sony’s latest million-dollar failure, Concord, then it is that the reception a game gets initially during its trailer launch plays an important role in determining what the future holds for the game.

Intergalactic Announcement TrailerIntergalactic’s future does not seem too bright. Image Credit: Naughty Dog

Similarly, looking at the number of dislikes on the recently announced Intergalactic, it can be speculated that the future of the game does not look bright, and if things are not taken care of soon, it might fall the same way Concord did, giving Sony another major blow.

Intergalactic seems to be repeating the hate cycle Concord went through

Intergalactic Announcement TrailerConcord and Intergalatic’s intial response has been relatively same. Image Credit: Naughty Dog

During Concord’s initial days of its announcement, it generated more hate than love amongst fans. The announcement trailer had a difference of 1:10 in terms of likes and dislikes. Sony still did not see this as a warning sign and released the game without addressing the problems players had with it, which led to a big disaster.

Now, Intergalactic seems to be walking along the same path. Its trailer too has more dislikes than likes, which, if Sony learned anything from it, is a direct indicator of what is to follow if the problems are not addressed duly.

Naughty Dog should take some time and reflect on what failed to connect with the audience and come up with a solution that will help keep its boat afloat; otherwise, all the efforts might just go down the drain.

The hate received by the game was so intense that Naughty Dog had to turn off comments on YouTube. This is a direct indicator of how the developer needs time to come up with a fix.

There is still time for Naughty Dog and Sony to come up with a fix

Intergalactic Announcement TrailerNaughty Dog should sit back and assess the situation before jumping to release. Image Credit: Nauaghty Dog

No definitive release date has been announced as of now, which puts Naughty Dog in a comfortable position to sit back and think about what went wrong and what the major points of criticism pointed out by the players are.

The developer should keep an open ear towards the players’ opinions since that might help it establish the game in a positive light. The same strategy has proven itself to be quite beneficial for Helldivers 2, and there is a high chance it could do wonders for Intergalactic as well.

Not all is lost at the moment. The biggest asset Naughty Dog currently has is time, and it should utilize this time by decreasing the barriers between the studio and the player community while figuring out a fix for Intergalactic. What do you think about it? Let us know in the comments below.

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