The Orcs’ weakness is noticeable during the final fight of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, as the Uruk-hai ambush Aragorn in huge numbers, only to be knocked aside one by one. Then, as Legolas and Gimli enter the fray, things become even easier for the group. Even Boromir, who eventually succumbed to multiple arrows, held his ground for a long while, despite being separated and outnumbered.
While the Orcs were undoubtedly softened-up for the movies, J.R.R. Tolkien made a point of mentioning how weak they were. Within Tolkien’s Unfinished Tales novel, he wrote about a battle between men and Orcs titled The Disaster of the Gladden Fields. As the Orcs attacked, he noted, “The arrows had been unavailing against the Numenorean armor. The great Men towered above the tallest Orcs, and their swords and spears far outreached the weapons of their enemies.”
Despite this being just a small group of the Orcs, it’s safe the say the rest faired the same. The conditions of Mordor were far from hospitable, so Orcs were left malnourished and overworked. Sauron also focused on numbers rather than skill, so his forces got churned out by the thousands without any training or suitable gear.
There’s no denying that the Fellowship had some easy fights, especially when they were surrounded by Orcs who chose to attack one at a time. But when it came down to skill, the Orcs never stood a chance. And it’s Sauron’s reliance on numbers rather than expertise that ultimately cost him the war.