As the game’s composer, Venus Theory, revealed in a recent interview with Screen Rant, there are five endings to Avowed, and one of them is “exceptionally rare.” Venus Theory goes on to explain that this rare ending probably “is not the canon ending because it is kind of a fun one.” He openly wonders whether any players will even find it, but hopes they will: “I’m very curious if anyone’s going to get it, because, musically, it’s also one of the fun ones that was really interesting to design. It was really challenging, but it worked pretty well.”
Everything We Know About The Secret Ending
Rare, But Not Necessarily Hard

Venus Theory is understandably cryptic about the nature of the ending, describes the process of getting to it in no uncertain terms. He says it’s not necessarily difficult to achieve, but requires the player to make a certain, possibly counter-intuitive set of decisions throughout the game. “There are a lot of very specific choices you would have to make to get close to it, and then, effectively, there’s one speech check that you either pass or fail that determines if you get it.”
Secret Cutscenes Make Games More Fun
The Hunt Is On

Of course, there’s still a lot we don’t know. Discovering all these secret endings will inevitably take weeks of player experimentation. In fact, we don’t even know the full details of all Avowed‘s endings just yet. I suspect we’ll see lots of players savescumming until they fail endgame dialogue checks.
But that’s the real fun of secret endings: they give players something to look for. Even after you’ve played through the game fifteen times, and memorized the position of every single piece of treasure, a secret ending still gives you a new piece of content to look forward to in a game you thought you knew inside and out. It’ll likely be some time until players figure out how to get Avowed‘s secret ending, but I look forward to the day the full details come out.