A Reddit post by ZealousidealLaugh494 claims the game is too spider-focused, and many others were inclined to agree. “TBH, there should be more variety in beast enemies, not just spiders, wolves, and the occasional troll. They could bring back enemies from HP CoS PC game like giant orange snails or fire crabs,” says Redditor A-J-Zan.
Introducing a new variety of beasts to battle instead might just be Avalanche Software’s solution to winning over players. Still, two years after the game’s release, fans can only hope the next Hogwarts Legacy rumored update will include new bosses and more challenging beasts to battle — or hopefully, one lesson they take to heart for Hogwarts Legacy 2.
Even With Arachnophobia Mode, There Are Just Too Many Spiders in Hogwarts Legacy
Why Is Every Quest A Spider Quest?

The easiest thing to do if you’re scared of spiders and can’t tolerate them in video games is to turn on Arachnophobia Mode. This mode is supposed to remove spiders from the game or at least make them less visible. That said, even with the mode on, players still have to venture through spider dens and, whether they like it or not, face some spiders along the way. You’ll still hear the creepy chittering noise these spiders make, even with the mode on — guaranteed to send a chill up your spine.
The game itself is also very spider-focused, and apart from the occasional troll, dugbog, or wolf, you’re stuck battling dark wizards or spiders for the most part. The best side quests are also sometimes heavily spider-focused, including The Plight of the House Elf, Jackdaw’s Rest, Tangled Web, and more. This makes for some pretty repetitive gameplay, as you keep using Incendio every 10 seconds to beat out your foes.
Our Take: Why Couldn’t It Be Follow the Butterflies?
Poor Ron Would Hate It Here

Remember that infamous scene where Ron Weasley is forced to confront his fear and follow the spiders into the Dark Forest? “Why couldn’t it be butterflies?” he says. This could not be truer here, and as an avid Hogwarts Legacy player, I, too, am very sick of battling the spiders over and over again. They’re creepy, large, sound scary, and give me the ick—and I don’t have arachnophobia for the most part.
It seems that, whether we like it or not, spiders are not going anywhere in Hogwarts Legacy, and the only hope is that Avalanche Software takes these notes to heart and decides to release an update where players can battle a new beast or get rid of spiders altogether—both sound like a win-win to me.