“Day” picks up immediately after Paradise episode 6’s ending when Samantha “Sinatra” Redmond (Julianne Nicholson) tells Xavier Collins (Sterling K. Brown) that his wife, Teri (Enuka Okuma), is alive. The rest of the episode shows what Xavier and President Bradford did on that fateful day and how Teri could have survived. It turns out that Sinatra and her allies are not the only ones keeping secrets from Xavier and the rest of Paradise‘s characters, as President Bradford never told Xavier about the most important thing he did the day of the cataclysmic event.
How President Bradford Saved Xavier’s Wife & Countless Others On The Surface
He Made A Noble Executive Decision

As the world collapsed from unparalleled natural disasters, governments from around the world made the situation even worse by engaging in nuclear war in a misguided attempt to control remaining resources. Instead of using the red code, which would launch the United States’ nuclear missiles and contribute to nuclear oblivion, President Bradford used the blue code. This secret, designed by a colonel after the Cuban Missile Crisis, and known only by each President of the United States, activates a linked array of global electromagnetic pulses to destroy every electronic circuit on Earth.
The blue code enables President Bradford to disarm all the nuclear weapons that have been launched, along with every other electronic device on Earth’s surface. Even though a nuclear missile was headed to Atlanta, where Teri was at the time, she survived due to President Bradford’s actions due to the bomb being disarmed. Countless others have also been able to survive on the surface as well. While Sinatra argued that it was more humane to let them die instantly instead of forcing them to struggle and survive, President Bradford wanted to at least give everyone a chance.
How The World Really Ended In Paradise

Image via Hulu
Before any nuclear missiles were launched, the world was already devastated by a supervolcano erupting under the Antarctic ice sheet. The explosion shattered the ice shelf, melted trillions of gallons of water, and triggered an unprecedented tsunami traveling 600 miles per hour across the entire planet. The tsunami quickly obliterated all of Australia and proceeded to travel multiple times from one end of the planet to the other as it destroyed everything in its path.
Some parts of the world, like Washington D.C., are still underwater, but this is not the case in other parts, including where Paradise’s scientists went on their mission.
At the beginning of Paradise episode 5, there is a shot of the Washington Monument’s tip, while the rest of the structure is submerged in water. The Washington Monument is 555 feet tall (via National Park Service), yet most of it is now underwater. While the tsunami could not be stopped, President Bradford’s heroic decision was at least able to prevent the world from becoming a nuclear wasteland as well. Some parts of the world, like Washington D.C., are still underwater, but this is not the case in other parts, including where Paradise’s scientists went on their mission.
President Bradford’s Killer In Paradise Is An Outsider
The Killer May Have Been Shown In The Flashbacks

Sinatra tells Xavier that the DNA from President Bradford’s murder did not match with anyone in Paradise. This indicates that President Bradford was murdered by someone from outside the underground community, which adds new suspects to Paradise‘s murder mystery. Those who survived on the surface do not know about the decision President Bradford made to give them a chance at survival. They likely hold him responsible for going underground with abundant resources while seemingly abandoning the rest of humanity.
Paradise has been renewed for season 2.
In order for the murder mystery to be fully impactful, his killer should be someone from the flashbacks. One possibility is Marsha (Amy Pietz), an aide who worked at the White House for President Bradford. Episode 7’s flashbacks show Xavier promising to help her and her family, only for her to be left behind as she and her loved ones are not included on the list of who gets to go to Paradise. Her personal vendetta may have led to her finding the community underneath the mountain and killing President Bradford as retribution for what he did.
What Sinatra’s Ultimatum Means For Xavier
She Has Placed Him In An Impossible Position

Sinatra tells Xavier that he must release her people, he must return the stolen guns, he will find out who murdered President Bradford, and he will return Paradise to normal if he wants to be reunited with his daughter, Presley (Aliyah Mastin), or his wife, Teri. One of Paradise‘s most dangerous characters, Jane Driscoll (Nicole Brydon Bloom), has Presley as a hostage. Presley does not know that Jane is a ruthless killer and went with her in episode 5. Xavier does not know about Jane yet, but he does know that Presley is no longer safely hidden with her brother.

Paradise Just Raised The Stakes For Jeremy & Presley’s Romance Much Higher After Episode 6
Xavier’s daughter Presley and President Cal Bradford’s son Jeremy have gradually been developing a relationship that is important in Paradise.
Xavier’s rebellion made the public lose faith in Sinatra and the establishment, especially after the messages and the simulated sky being shut down. That fire has been further stoked by President Bradford’s son, Jeremy (Charlie Evans), telling the public they have been lied to after accessing the government secrets in his father’s tablet. Xavier loves his wife and daughter and would do anything to ensure they are safe and to see them again. However, even if he meets all of Sinatra’s demands, it may be too late to restore Paradise to what it used to be.
Paradise Tomatometer Score
Paradise Popcornmeter Score
There is no version of reality where the public goes back to trusting the establishment and going about their everyday lives. Xavier may think he needs to cooperate with Sinatra in order to save Presley and to learn about how he can find Teri. He only needs to cooperate temporarily, though, as Sinatra’s vision is already a lost cause. As seen by the variety of security agents and civilians who helped Xavier with his rebellion, he has many allies, and together they can hopefully save the community, Xavier’s family, and head to the surface for Paradise season 2.